When you go on a run and go about your day as usual, you don’t really expect something to happen that would change your day for the better.

This lady was doing her regular run when she saw a female golden retriever walking around. The pet almost got hit by a car, and that’s what captured this lady’s attention.

She quickly came to help, calling the dog and giving her pets and words of encouragement. It was hard to keep the dog in check because she had no leash and kept wandering into houses.

This unlikely duo chanced upon an elderly gentleman, and he helped the lady locate the dog’s address. The address was written on the dog’s collar, so this lady now knew where to bring the dog back.

The kind gentleman even made a leash made of twine, so this lady was able to handle the dog from there.

The pet immediately recognized her home, and while they walked up to it, the dog kept smiling at the lady who saved her.

We’d smile too if we met such lovely people who saved our lives, and who helped bring us back home. There are not many who would go out of their way to do good stuff like this.

Unless they have good hearts, people could not do even half of what this lady and the kind gentleman did for this dog.

The lady was able to return the dog successfully and she found out that the pet’s name is Bimini.

Her parents were apparently looking for her and couldn’t find her, so thanks to this angel of a woman for going out of her way to save the dog.

Stories like this give us hope that there is still a lot of good in this world. Mad props to you lady and kind gentleman.

Let’s make sure not to wander far from home this time, Bimini!

Credits to BViral via YouTube

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