Someone said that life isn’t about the journey – it is about who you’ve been with through that journey.

Charlie, an eleven-year-old senior pup, has lost his sight because of glaucoma rendering him visually-impaired. He learned how to adapt quite well to his environment but his owner can feel that this somehow diminished the light inside of him.

That is why Chelsea Stipe and her husband, Charlie’s loving owner, decided to adopt a new puppy. They thought having a companion would make him more excited and happy about life. And they were right.

When Maverick came into the picture, Charlie began to shine again. The two instantly became best of friends. They compliment each other very well. Maverick’s youth and excitement inspired Charlie. Ever since the young pup became part of their family, Charlie started playing again. Their owners bring toys and they would play all day.

Maverick proved that he is an extraordinary dog. He can sense that Charlie has special needs. When they play, he will put their toys in front of Charlie. When they stroll around the park, he is either one step ahead of him or beside him to keep him from tripping. He may be a young pup but he is sweet and very thoughtful.

He stays with Charlie to make sure the latter won’t feel alone. Their age gap and differences strengthen their bond.

Having a ball of sunshine like Maverick lightens up Charlie’s life. He may have lost the ability to see the world but having a dear friend helped him shine brighter and live happier.

Before, when Charlie lost his sight and given that he is no longer young, his parents prepared themselves on losing him anytime. But then, since having a younger brother and a friend, he craved life once again.

Video and photo credit to ABC New via Youtube and charlieandmav in Instagram

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