A stray kitten has found a new home with a golden retriever, who acts as its surrogate mother. The dog carries the kitten with her everywhere, even cleaning and grooming it as a mother cat would. According to a study, this behavior is natural for both cats and dogs, as they both carry their young by the scruffs of their necks.

The kitten, who was previously a stray, now has not only food and shelter, but also companionship with the golden retriever. The two also often play and rest together, bringing joy to those who see their close relationship. The dog’s friendly and patient nature, which is a common trait among the breed, makes her an ideal surrogate mother for the kitten.

Dogs and cats may seem like unlikely companions, but they can form strong bonds and even act as surrogate mothers to one another. Dogs have a natural maternal instinct and a strong desire to care for and protect young animals. When presented with a litter of kittens, a mother dog will usually take them under her wing, providing warmth, nourishment, and protection.

She may also clean and groom the kittens as if they were her own puppies. There are several benefits to having a dog act as a surrogate mother for kittens. For one, dogs have a higher body temperature than cats, which can help keep the kittens warm and comfortable.

Additionally, dogs are known for their strong immune systems and can help protect kittens from disease and infection. It’s important to note that not all dogs will take kindly to having kittens around, and it’s important to monitor the interaction between the dog and kittens and make sure everyone is safe. But if the dog seems comfortable and happy with the arrangement, it can be a beautiful and heartwarming experience for both the dog and the kittens.

In conclusion, dogs can act as surrogate mothers to kittens and provide them with warmth, nourishment, and protection.

You can watch the full video here.

Credit: Golden Retriever – Dog Awesome

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