Any store owner would make sure to always keep an eye on their merchandise as well as their customers. Any business wouldn’t want anyone stealing from them, which is why CCTVs exist. Through these cameras, store owners and employees would be able to keep an eye on anyone who enters their store.

However, it doesn’t prevent anyone from attempting to steal something from the shelves. There’s always the possibility that something will get taken sooner or later.

In a veterinary office in Brazil, this is exactly what happened. The staff members were all taking a break and no one was watching what was going on in the store. Besides, pet food, dog treats, and dog toys aren’t what you’d exactly call hot items that anyone would want to steal.

dog, podenco, animal

However, these things can be quite valuable to other creatures, such as dogs. While the staff members were all minding their own business and weren’t paying attention to the store, a stray dog casually walked inside and helped himself to a bone on display on one of the shelves.

One of the store employees said that they did invite the stray dog inside the store but they weren’t expecting him to help himself to one of the bones on display. The owner of the clinic explained that while working at the clinic, they noticed the stray dog wandering in the streets around their workplace.

Since it was a particularly cold day, they allowed the dog inside to let him warm up. The staff gave the dog food and even some afternoon snacks. The staff members did hear a noise when the dog picked up a bone from the shelves and eventually saw him across the street enjoying the bone.

Of course, the staff members were more than happy to let their cute little thief have the delicious bone. Here’s a video showing the moment the stray dog stole a bone from the veterinary clinic.

Source: ViralHog via YouTube

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